Series Mania is a festival of international series taking place every year in Lille, France.
It is articulated around 3 pillars:
Séries Mania the free festival dedicated to the general public animated by projections, meetings, masterclasses and animations
Séries Mania Forum the professional part of festival, meeting of actors in international serial creation
Lille dialogues a day of exchange with the main political, institutional and economic players in the sector
Creation of an attractive showcase, better prioritization of information and promotion of programming were the main objectives of this overhaul.
They made it
Lot of people have been working on this project, here is our part of people working on it.
Eloïse Gaboriau
Gwendoline Gendron
Alix Chabagny
Jérémy Petrequin
Quentin Boutonnet
Frédéric Devaux

We worked on the different festival targets and the needs of each user through workshops with the Séries Mania team. The tree structure and hierarchy of content of each homepage are adapted according to the temporality of the festival. In this way, it is 3 sites in 1 with its own structure and its own time codes.
On the creative part, each pillar has its poster with its colors, gathered under a global graphic charter. We have created a system of components that can easily be adapted to the universe of each festival. This system was also created in order to perpetuate the site throughout the editions by adapting it to the colors of the year.

Technical part
Séries mania is developed with the multisites option of WordPress.
Indeed, Séries mania is made up of 3 completely independent parts: The festival, the forum and the dialogues of Lille. The last two are reserved for professionals.
On this site, we wanted to make the most of the Gutenberg blocks. Thus, almost all the pages are composed exclusively of custom blocks created thanks to ACF. Only the archive pages and the serial and guest files do not use this system.
We have created, for this site, an npm command which makes it possible to generate classes for each group of ACF fields. Thus, we access the properties thanks to the auto-completion of our IDE.
One of the main challenges of any festival site, is to be able to integrate the festival programming in the back office without it being displayed in front before D-day. In addition to the front, we must think of Google who easily can to have access to hidden pages if we do not pay attention to the site map (especially if the Yoast SEO plugin is used).
We have planned that the site has 3 faces: the cool time (outside the festival), the announcement of the program and the hot time (from the announcement of the agenda to the end of the festival). The goal being that the transition from one to the other is as easy as possible thanks to an options page which allows us to define what stage we are in.
Finally, the theme that we created is common to the 3 sites, we have created a css style sheet specific to each site in order to adapt the colors automatically. We used WPML to create the English versions of the 3 sites.

Séries Mania Digital Forum platform
Due to the Coronavirus crisis, the 2020 edition has to be canceled just before the event so, with the Series Mania team, we digitalize the BtoB part (Series Mania Forum) in just a few days.
For the creation of the Forum Digital platform, we again used WordPress. We have created a post type “File” which is then fed by the content of a secure platform. All the information of the series comes directly from this platform and WordPress allows us thanks to ACF to complete the missing information.
A connection system linked to the API of the platform allows to restrict access to the site to only owners of an accreditation.
Finally, we installed an appointment booking system linked to Calendly. Thus, users interested in pitching series can directly make an appointment with the project leaders from the platform for a video meeting.