Sourdoreille, the self-proclaimed media of musical moods since 2006, wants its web platform to undergo a facelift to surprise its aficionados.
How to improve the appearance of the magazine by mixing the team’s universe with the current trends?
Hyper canon le nouveau site de @Sourdoreille applaudissements ! PencilKz Mathias Riquier
They made it
Lot of people have been working on this project, here is our part of people working on it.
Jérémy Petrequin
Stéphane Villareal
Charlotte Graff
Priscillien Gac
Unlike most other online music magazines, Sourdoreille does not present the information in a simplistic way, it has the capability of being critical too.
We transferred the cheeky and quirky approach of Sourdoreille to the site through typographical combinations, overlapping elements and animations while maintaining the greatest clarity of information possible.

UX / Design
This project started with the logo redesign and the creation of graphic design guidelines featuring bright and contrasting colors. Animations allowed us to create a better ensemble making it more dynamic to best recreate Sourdoreille’s fresh thinking.
Visuals needed to be highlighted on the homepage and throughout the entire website. This is why we adopted full screen visuals to create rhythm within the grid.
For this magazine, we chose an easily administrable homepage grid thus allowing editors to compose it as they wish depending on their content, with different push zones.
At last, the media turning 10, we chose to spotlight ancient content with the help of a time travelling machine. Located at the bottom of the homepage, it picked articles published the same day, a few years back. Many thanks to Marty McFly!

The site redesign required rethinking not only the theme but also the WordPress architecture and back office to best fit with the new UX/UI bias, in the structure, classification or articles layout.
Coding started with an import / re-work / automatic re-categorization of all existing content and was accompanied by a continuous reintegration of new items from production to pre production in order to not disrupt the work of the team and not impose a double entry.
One of the challenges with this release was to propose a back office tool that allowed authors to easily create small simple articles or more impressive ones, with a more complex layout incorporating any type of media.
Great care was given to the multi device support development in order to propose the most comfortable reading experience on desktop while having an extremely smooth navigation on mobile.